Awards & Recognition
In the AstraZeneca IMED Biotech Unit review, Wendelsbergs beräkningskemi was mentioned under
A selection of key collaborations in 2017 for pharmaceutical sciences.
Jens Poulsen (Wendelsbergs beräkningskemi) has received the AstraZeneca Experimentation & Innovation Award within Product Development Mölndal for modelling work on phase diagrams for polymer mixtures.
Astrazeneca's Innovative Medicines & Early Development Science Award 2013 presented to the LungSim simulation team for their work on design and development of Lung Sim simulation tool for inhalation pharmacokinetic modelling. Wendelsbergs beräkningskemi contributed to the project by development of the program.
The project Pellet Simulation Tool was awarded an AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical & Analytical R&D Regional Innovation Award. A part of the project was the computer program Pellet Simulation Tool written by Wendelsbergs beräkningskemi.
Iain Grant (AstraZeneca - United Kingdom), Lennart Lindfors (AstraZeneca - Sweden) and Jan Westergren (Wendelsbergs beräkningskemi) were awarded an AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical & Analytical R&D Annual Innovation Award for the development of the simulation program GI-Sim.